Thursday, July 2, 2020

The National Alliance on Mental Illness – Montgomery County (NAMI MC) - Supports during Covid-19

The National Alliance on Mental Illness – Montgomery County (NAMI MC) was established in 1978
by five local families, seeking to support each other and to educate others about mental illness. With little insight easily available, harsh existing approaches to treatment, and few current support services available, the movement of families and caregivers seeking to cope with the mental illness of their loved ones grew across the nation.

A true grassroots movement, this national effort grew and changed names several times over the years to today become the largest grassroots mental health organization in the country. NAMI MC predates the national organization (based in Arlington, VA) and provides a large array of different free classes and support groups for individuals – and family members of those individuals – living with a mental illness. All classes and support groups are offered free of charge and multiple times a week at various locations within Montgomery County and surrounding areas.

The families and members of the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Montgomery County, MD (NAMI MC) are here to help! We offer understanding to anyone concerned about mental illnesses and the treatment of mental illness.

Mental illnesses are brain disorders that are biologically based medical problems. If untreated, they can cause severe disturbances in thinking, feeling and relating. This results in substantially diminished capacity for dealing with the ordinary demands of life. Mental illness can affect persons of any age and occur in any family. They are not caused by bad parenting and are not evidence of weakness of character.

The NAMI MC Program Office is working remotely. The Helpline is still operating during normal hours: (301) 949-5852

NAMI MC is providing free support groups during this difficult time with COVID-19 social distancing and self-quarantining. We are temporarily moving our groups to an online meeting platform, Zoom. You may use your phone (using the Zoom app or by calling in), your computer, or a tablet. 

Click here to view the full list of NAMIMC Virtual Support Groups.