Thursday, July 2, 2020

Caregiver Teleconnection - virtual caregiver supports!

The Caregiver Teleconnection program has one-hour conference calls, at no cost. These sessions
cover a wide range of interesting topics related to the care you provide to your loved one. You can get expert advice, ask questions and talk to other people who are also providing care.

Click here to view all programs

Upcoming classes include:

July 8, 11am-12noon
COVID-19 and CaregivingJoin us as we continue our discussion on how to cope during the COVID-19 outbreak, and how to safely transition into a new normal. Lucy Barylak, MSW and Dr. Elliot Sklar will talk about the most recent updates and issues impacting caregivers, and answer questions on how to stay safe and healthy in these unprecedented times.

July 9, 11am-12noon
Dear Lucy: How to respond to a love one who suffers from dementia during the Coronavirus.People who suffer from dementia can become even more confused at this time. There are changes in their routine, people are wearing masks, not able to leave the home, can become more agitated, afraid, etc. How should caregivers respond and what they need to know and do.

July 14, 11am-12noon
Caring for the CaregiverCaregivers are a noble breed. They are selfless and devoted. They exude compassion, kindness and genuine love. They consistently put others before themselves to the point of exhaustion. In extreme cases Caregiving may even be detrimental to one’s own health and wellbeing. Learn how to validate your feelings as a Caregiver and listen to other Caregivers about their coping strategies to avoid Caregiver burnout.

July 29, 11am-12noon
COVID-19 and CaregivingJoin us as we continue our discussion on how to cope during the COVID-19 outbreak, and how to safely transition into a new normal. Lucy Barylak, MSW and Dr. Elliot Sklar will talk about the most recent updates and issues impacting caregivers, and answer questions on how to stay safe and healthy in these unprecedented times.

and so much more
Click here to view all of the classes