Thursday, July 2, 2020

Hope Connections - Virtual Supports for person with a cancer diagnosis - during Covid-19

Hope Connections for Cancer Support is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides emotional, physical and social support for people with cancer and their families. Our services include support groups, stress management and rehabilitative programs, educational workshops, and social activities.

Individuals with cancer who want to improve the quality of their lives and be an active partner with their physicians and healthcare teams. People who have had cancer and have completed medical treatments also attend to maintain their well-being while focusing on survivorship issues. Family and friends are also welcome to participate. No referral is needed.

Hope Connections does not have a medical staff, nor do we provide medical services or medical advice. Individuals seek their own treatment as they deem necessary.

All programs and services are FREE. Hope Connections is a nonprofit organization and is supported by tax-deductible contributions from the public, corporate donations and foundation grants. The program is meant to support the treatment prescribed by a patient's healthcare team and is not a substitute for traditional medical care.

Hope Connecitons support groups provide people with cancer and caregivers with an opportunity to explore ways of coping with the stress of a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Their licensed clinicians help group participants learn how to take an active role in their own health and well-being.

Covid-19 may have stopped in person support groups but Hope Connections have up and running a full range of support groups and other programs remotely. 

For more information contact