- Each submission is limited to 150 words
- Deadline to submit: 20th of the preceding month. No submissions will be accepted after the deadline.
- Submit via email: with subject line: “Caregiver Blog Submission”.
- Submission must include: "Required Submission Details" (see below). Sent in body of email or an attached "word format" document.
- The eNewsletter can include weblinks to event materials, but not pdf documents sent as an attachment. If you do have a flyer, please convert it to a jpg image and send that.
- As the County is publishing the notices, please do not use “we”, “us”, “our” etc. when describing the event. Please do not use ALL CAPS in headings etc.
- Name of organization:
- Name of event:
- Brief description:
- Date/s:
- Time:
- Location of event:
- Registration/RSVP’s:
- Contact details:
- Phone:
- Email:
- Website: