Wed, March 2 | 10:00am–10:30am EST
Morning Stretch - Online
Start your day with a short morning stretch. Hosted by Senior Planet NYC

Wed, March 2 | 10:30am–11:30pm EST
Crowdfunding for a Cause - Online
This lecture will give an overview of donation-based crowdfunding and explore two popular platforms used by individuals and nonprofits to raise money: GoFundMe and Facebook Fundraisers. Hosted by Senior Planet North Country

Wed, March 2 | 11:45am–12:45pm EST
Fitness Apps - Online
This lecture covers many different types of fitness apps, whatever your health and wellness goals. Hosted by Senior Planet North Country

Wed, March 2 | 12:00pm–1:00pm EST
在網路上確保個人資訊安全 - Online / By Phone
這堂講座將給予如何放心上網的一些提醒暗示. 中的疑惑由在 Montgomery 的 Senior Planet 創辦。
Wed, March 2 | 12:30pm–1:30pm EST
Fit Fusion WorkoutOnline
Get your heart pumping during this fun, high-energy workout!

Wed, March 2 | 1:00pm–2:00pm EST
Mindful Engagement Podcast Discussion Group - Online
Participants meet once a week to interchangeably discuss episodes from the podcasts, 70 over 70 and Make Me Smart. Hosted by Senior Planet at Avenidas

Wed, March 2 | 1:00pm–2:00pm EST
Digital StorytellingOnline
This lecture covers digital tools to bring out your creativity. You'll explore ways to use social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to write and share stories. Hosted by Senior Planet North Country
Wed, March 2 | 1:30pm–2:30pm EST
Colorado Connects – Lunch & LearnOnline / By Phone
Keeping the conversation going! Hosted by Senior Planet Colorado

Wed, March 2 | 2:00pm–2:45pm EST
Easy-to-Follow Tai Chi - Online
Move, breathe and flow during this gentle, slow, flowing form of exercise. Hosted by Senior Planet North Country

Wed, March 2 | 3:00pm–4:00pm EST
Health & Wellness Open Discussion - Online
What's on your mind? Hosted by Senior Planet NYC

Wed, March 2 | 3:00pm–4:00pm EST
Spotify - Online / By Phone
Learn about a free online music resource called Spotify and enjoy your favorite songs. Hosted by Senior Planet San Antonio
Click here to view the full March program