Friday, May 1, 2020

Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving - Guidance During COVID-19

More than 40 million Americans provide care for adults and children who cannot care for themselves.
Whether helping an aging parent, a seriously ill spouse or child or some other special person in need, those giving care often do so at a great personal sacrifice of time, energy and income. The emotional stress can be tremendous,too. Yet it is not just the family caregiver who is often overwhelmed. Many professional caregivers today face enormous challenges trying to cope with an unwieldy patient load in an increasingly strained health care system.

The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving has organized a range of resources and supports that will provide value to family/friend caregivers.
These include: Impact on Rural America, Challenges for Family Caregivers, Issues Associated with Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Their website also include many practical webinars, printed resources and training materials.

Click here to review their website site