Friday, May 1, 2020

Potomac Community Resources, Newsletter May 2020 at home virtual programs

Potomac Community Resources, Inc. (PCR) is an award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that encourages and supports the full inclusion of persons with intellectual and developmental
differences into all aspects of community life.

PCR fulfills our mission by providing 35 innovative, therapeutic, social, recreational, and respite care programs for teens and adults with developmental differences, including individuals with multiple disabilities and complex medical needs, and by fostering an inclusive community of people of all abilities. PCR’s dynamic programs are designed to encourage our members’ personal growth, friendships, and healthy lifestyles, and to provide support to their family members and caregivers.

PCR’s programs include music enjoyment and performance, therapeutic movement and exercise, respite care for individuals with significant and moderate care needs, discussion groups for men and women, communication skills, basketball, art therapy, a social club, photography, information sessions for parents of youth who are transitioning from high school to adult services, and many special events throughout the year. (Please see PCR Programs below.)

Over 500 Montgomery County teens and adults with developmental differences benefit from PCR’s programs.

Potomac Community Resources also has launch a range of online activities in response to COVID-19.

Click to view their new virtual programs, including some great at-home fitness, music, and art activities!