Wednesday, September 1, 2021

ISSUES AND CONCERNS FOR FAMILY CAREGIVERS - Re-entry into the Workplace and Changing Careers Post-COVID

Issues and Concerns for Family Caregivers - You could win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

As you know, NAMI Maryland is dedicated to improving awareness for mental health conditions and related disorders, and we are excited to announce that we are working with the Maryland Department of Disabilities to understand the current issues and concerns with informal family caregivers in Maryland!


Informal family caregivers provide a family member, friend or neighbor (across the lifespan) with supportive care when they are unable to care for themselves. Caregiving may include helping an adult or child with an illness or disability accomplish activities of daily living, such as walking or getting dressed, household chores, or money management. It may also include coordinating outside services, and medical care. Other support includes driving the individual to appointments or visiting regularly with a concern for their personal safety and well-being. You can learn more about informal family caregivers in Maryland here.


If you are a family caregiver, we would appreciate your feedback on a short, five minute survey! Your responses will be used to help develop topics for critical mini-webinars the Maryland Department of Disabilities' Technology Assistance Program will release in the fall.


Your input is invaluable. Thank you for your help!


Complete this survey for your chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Re-entry into the Workplace and Changing Careers Post-COVID

You're invited to join us for our next free webinar in the CovidCONNECT Webinar Series on Thursday, August September 2nd, 2021: Re-Entry Into the Workplace and Changing Careers Post-COVID presented by Laura Deimling and Courtney Wandeloski!


The pandemic has changed the job market across all industries and the landscape has changed for job seekers. This presentation will educate job seekers on the appropriate protocols to follow in the current economy. It will educate job seekers on what they can expect from employers and how to get the positions they are most qualified for.


Register now for this incredible, free event!

CovidCONNECT is developed by the Maryland Department of Health's Behavioral Health Administration in partnership with NAMI Maryland, 211 Maryland, and other stakeholders. NAMI Maryland assists in resourcing the platform and is responsible for the CovidCONNECT Webinar Series and the free, peer-led support group for COVID-19 survivors.

New Fact Sheets Available!

NAMI Maryland has been creating fact sheets and infographics based off our recorded webinars. Feel free to download them and forward them on to

your contacts!


Click Here for all Upcoming and Recorded Webinars and their

Associated Fact Sheets