Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Free Program for Adults with Memory Loss and their Caregivers In the LGBTQ Community

Aging with Pride: IDEA (Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action) hosted by the University of Washington

Aging with Pride: IDEA (Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action) is the first federally-funded research study examining ways to improve the health and quality of life for adults with memory loss and their caregivers in the LGBTQ community. The person with memory loss and their caregiver participate as a pair and at least one of them must be LGBTQ. The caregiver can be a spouse, partner, adult child, relative, friend, or anyone who helps the person with memory loss. The person with memory loss must be 50 years or older.

The IDEA program is free, virtual and available in all 50 states. In nine individualized sessions, a coach teaches the pair problem-solving skills to improve behavioral challenges and communication. A low-impact exercise program including stretching, flexibility, and balance to strengthen the body, reduce injury and improve mood is also included in the sessions. Participants never have to leave home to participate and are compensated for completing phone interviews.

· Date/s: On-going
· Time: Sessions are schedule at participants’ convenience
· Location of event: In participants homes
· Registration/RSVP’s:
· Contact details: Call or email study staff.
· Phone: 1-888-655-6646\
· Email:
· Website: