Sign up for Summer Read
& Learn, and join
us for these fun Tails & Tales events! July
7 Blue Sky Puppets presents "Pig Tales."
Learn about sharing and taking turns, while they act out
"Jack and the Beanstalk" and other fairy tales and
stories. July
11 Rick Stromowski: Cartoonist Join us for a one-hour live cartooning workshop for
beginners that focuses on character design and human expression.
Please have a stack of paper and your favorite drawing pencil
nearby. July 17 Spin Me a
Shadow, Tell me a Tale with the Firelight Shadow Theater Discover the magical world of shadow puppetry with
Daniel Barash of Firelight Shadow Theater. July 20 Peter Wood: Magician Collection of astonishing objects, incredible
skills, and fantastic stories in this interactive magic show! July 31 Corey Samuels: Lego Master Learn how to build mythical creatures from Fairy
Tales. |
Montgomery Energy Connection, a program of
Montgomery County is excited to bring “Lemonds & LEDs” to
MCPL. Join us throughout the summer to swap out your old
incandescent and compact fluorescent (CFL) lightbulbs for
energy-efficient ones. Their motto is “lemons are sour, saving
money is sweet!” Check out our blog for the dates and times at all
branches for the LED swap. |
The Germantown Library remains closed to
undergo interior improvements under the County’s
award-winning Library
Refurbishment initiative. We
look forward to resuming operations at the branch in late
summer/early fall. Customers can access services at nearby
branches—Damascus, Quince Orchard and Gaithersburg—and our 24/7
website. |
July 3 Enjoy Baby Storytime live with
one of MCPL's children's librarians via Zoom! Songs, rhymes,
lap bounces, and simple stories for infants up through about
18 months. Baby Storytime is designed for adult caregivers
to enjoy together with babies, and can help develop your child's
growing language skills and encourage a lifelong love of reading
and learning. July 11 & 15 Join us live for Family Storytime via
Zoom! Filled with diverse stories and activities that
promote and develop language skills and imagination, these
programs encourage young children of all ages to develop a lifelong
love of reading and learning and introduce them to the culture of
reading. July 19 & 26 Break out your blankets for outdoor storytime! This
family storytime will feature books, songs and rhymes that
promote early literacy skills. Storytime will take place on the
grassy lawn by the Aspen Hill library. Please bring a
blanket or towel to sit on. Outdoor storytime is weather
permitting, so please check event status if it is raining. |
Conversations |
13 Mallory O’Meara's new book "Girly Drinks: A
Feminist History of Women and Alcohol," about the history of women making, serving and
drinking alcohol all over the world, will be published in
October. |
| July
20 Deborah Goodrich Royce will discuss her new book,
"Ruby Falls," a chilling psychological thriller about
Eleanor Russell, an actress, her new husband, and the secrets
they both keep. |
MCPL has launched Brainfuse’s HelpNow—a unique tutoring and
study suite; JobNow—services and powerful tools to help users in
every step of their job search, and VetNow—a benefits navigator,
career, and academic assistance support for Veterans. These
online services are available with your MCPL library card. Learn
more on our blog. |
July 20 Author
Pauline Kaldas will discuss her essay collection Looking Both
Ways, as well as her essay in The Penguin Book of
Migration Literature about departure and return.She teaches
English and creative writing at Hollins University in Roanoke,
VA. Immigrating from Egypt as a child with her parents, she
has twice returned to live and teach in Cairo. Moderated by
Karen Leggett, co-chair of the Maryland Friends of the
Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt) |
Throughout July – Every
Monday 9:30-11:30 am H.I.R.E. (Helping Individuals Reach Employment)
Sessions Sign up to meet virtually/confidentially one-on-one
with a career counselor for advice and assistance with your job
search. July 12 Job Search Strategies (in a Pandemic) Learn about best practices for conducting a job
search in the current (pandemic) job market. July 14 How to Apply for Jobs with Montgomery County
Government Find out everything you need to know about applying
for jobs with Montgomery County Government. July 14 Introducción al espíritu empresarial - En asociación
con el Maryland Women’s Business Center (MWBC) Convertirse
en un emprendedor exitoso requiere un trabajo arduo y una
planificación minuciosa. Durante este taller presentaremos los
siguientes conceptos: Una evaluación de las características
de los empresarios exitosos; Aclararemos algunos de los mitos y
realidades de la propiedad de pequeñas empresas; Iniciaremos una
autoevaluación para determinar si está preparado para convertirse
en propietario de una pequeña empresa; Estableceremos un plan de
acción para completar sus autoevaluaciones buscando comentarios
de las partes interesadas, como familiares, amigos y clientes
potenciales; Descubriremos los servicios proporcionados por el
Maryland Women's Business Center que pueden ayudarle a iniciar y
hacer crecer su negocio. July 22 How to Prepare for your Virtual Job Interview Learn how to differentiate yourself from other
candidates, be Zoom ready, package your experience, tell your
story, be ready for challenging questions and feel more confident
in your next interview. July 27 Proctored Northstar Assessment Test; Assess your
Digital Literacy Skills Demonstrate your digital literacy skills by taking a
proctored Northstar Assessment test during a scheduled test
session. If you score 85% or higher, you'll earn a Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate
to share with your employers. Tests will be administered and
monitored remotely, allowing you to take the test from the
convenience of your home. Request a Learner Account to get started. Registration
is required to take a proctored test at |

| 10 Dates Throughout July An interactive Zoom presentation for students
between 6-12 years old from the Department of Environmental
Protection along with the P.O.W.E.R. Program. Come join our time
travel, from fossil fuels to fuels of the future! |
| Each Tuesday in July Outdoor Family Fun Night is an hour of fun
activities for kids of all ages on the Aspen Hill Library lawn.
Dancing, crafts, stories, and more! |

| July 14 Kids aged 10+ can explore the history, science and
creative possibilities of animation and create two optical toys. |
| July 22 Join us live for a special evening event all about
those beetles that light up: fireflies! We'll share stories and
learn facts about these summer evening friends from Dr. Mike
Raupp of the University of Maryland Department of Entomology. |

| July 1 It's always more fun to write with friends! Teens,
ages 13 and up, are invited to join us as we write and workshop
poetry. |
| July 24 Learn engineering principles behind bridge
strength, and compete in a virtual bridge-building exercise for
ages 10-14. |

| Every Wednesday A weekly club for adults and teens who enjoy
needlework, crafts and conversation; want to show & talk about
their work; get ideas or help on projects, and share what they
have learned. |
| July 16 Explore the history, science and creative
possibilities of animation as you create two optical toys: a
thaumatrope and flip-book. |

| July 22 Join us to hear the latest meditation medical
research and a meditation technique, plus learn about the inner
light discussed by those who’ve had a Near Death
Experience. |
| July 26 Audiobook lovers, drop in for an informal and
wide-ranging discussion without the pressure of reading an
assigned title. All readers are welcome, whether you read with
ears or eyes. |
with us on social |