Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Join ElderSafe for a FREE workshop series - Unhealthy Relationships: Knowing your Resources and Rights

Click below to register

All sessions are offer Thursday December 3.

English at 11am

Spanish at 1pm

Mandarin at 3pm

ElderSAFE was established in 2014 as a comprehensive healthcare-based elder abuse prevention center serving abused, neglected and financially exploited older adults from Maryland, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia. An award-winning program of Charles E. Smith Life Communities, ElderSAFE works in close collaboration with community partners to build a strong and effective response to elder abuse across our region. ElderSafe offers:
  • Language-Accessible Helpline: ElderSAFE receives referrals for temporary shelter and requests for community resources. 
  • Temporary Shelter: ElderSAFE provides safe temporary shelter and medical, therapeutic and counseling services in our long-term care and ElderSAFETM Center independent living residences to eligible older adults who have been abused, neglected or financially exploited. 
  • Education: ElderSAFE provides free training to multidisciplinary professionals including medical, social service, legal, first responders, faith leaders and community members to recognize and respond appropriately to abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. 
  • Advocacy: ElderSAFE advocates to improve systems and laws to protect older adults from abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. 

To make a referral or request a free training, call the ElderSAFE language accessible helpline: 301-816-5099 (Monday - Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.) 

To learn more about the ElderSAFE Center visit: www.smithlifecommunities.org/care-services/eldersafe-care