Thursday, April 9, 2020

Montgomery County's Faith Communities Responding to COVID-19

Save the Date!

Montgomery County, Maryland
Virtual Town Hall

Hosted by
the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and the
Faith Community Advisory Council

For Faith Communities Responding to COVID-19

Thursday, April 9
2:00 - 3:00 PM

We'll be addressing the following and
answering your questions

Grants for faith communities 
Safe volunteer opportunities 
Caring for the most vulnerable 
Healthcare status and services 
Tips for virtual worship services
2020 Census virtual resources 

Join the Virtual Town Hall

From your computer, tablet or smartphone, browse to 

From your phone, dial toll free 
access code 158-582-317 

From a video-conferencing room or system, dial or type or
Meeting ID: 158-582-317
Or dial directly 158582317@ or

OEMHS logo
FCAC logo

with contributors from the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Partnerships, Volunteer Center, Montgomery County Food Council, Nonprofit Montgomery, Interfaith Works, and more