Friday, April 17, 2020

CaringMatters Community Supports during COVID-19

CaringMatter's has established a COVID-19 Resources webpage to ensure continuation of service during this time of social distancing.

CaringMatters values the fact that the community depends on them for support and a caring presence every day as we face the challenges of illness, loss and grief together. During this unprecedented time of upheaval and uncertainty, they are still here for you, although in different ways. CaringMatters staff are available to offer phone support, online and community resources, as well as reading recommendations and other useful tools. Dealing with serious illness, the demands of caregiving, and grief can be isolating. As the entire community faces this pandemic and changes to our everyday lives, feelings of isolation can increase. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to CaringMatters for support and resources!

Below are examples of specific CaringMatters services available NOW and throughout the COVID-19 crisis:

Adult Grief Support Groups
Virtual support groups "meet" online once a week for 90 minutes session
Phone support, information and referral
or call 301-990-0854

Volunteer Helping Hands
Companionship, social/emotional support through virtual visits
New Group: Virtual support group for those caring for dementia patients
Penny Gladhill,
or call 301-990-0852