Upcoming Events
Easter Brunch (A Zoom event with other local Villages)
Sunday, April 12
12:30—2 pm
Join with Villagers across Montgomery County for a festive Easter Brunch. Wear your best fancy hat and bake a ham (or open that long-lost tin of Spam hiding at the back of your cabinet) for Easter Brunch!
RSVP by Friday, 3 pm
Passover Celebration & Reflections (A Zoom event with other local Villages)
Join with Village members county-wide to celebrate Passover with reflections and traditional songs led by Deborah Sternberg, cantorial soloist at Congregation Or Chadash.
Monday, April 13
4:30--6 pm
RSVP by Monday, 8 am
Want to learn how to Zoom?
Join our practice Zoom Session on
Wednesday, April 15
10--10:30 am
RSVP by Tuesday, 3 pm
RSVPs to director@chevychaseathome.org
You will be emailed a link to the event on the day of your registered event
Sunday, April 12
12:30—2 pm
Join with Villagers across Montgomery County for a festive Easter Brunch. Wear your best fancy hat and bake a ham (or open that long-lost tin of Spam hiding at the back of your cabinet) for Easter Brunch!
RSVP by Friday, 3 pm
Passover Celebration & Reflections (A Zoom event with other local Villages)
Join with Village members county-wide to celebrate Passover with reflections and traditional songs led by Deborah Sternberg, cantorial soloist at Congregation Or Chadash.
Monday, April 13
4:30--6 pm
RSVP by Monday, 8 am
Want to learn how to Zoom?
Join our practice Zoom Session on
Wednesday, April 15
10--10:30 am
RSVP by Tuesday, 3 pm
RSVPs to director@chevychaseathome.org
You will be emailed a link to the event on the day of your registered event