Sunday, March 1, 2020

Senior Planet - Lifelong Learning in Montgomery County

Every Senior Planet course is intentionally designed to produce positive change in one or more of our five impact areas: social engagement, financial security, health and wellness, civic engagement and advocacy, and creativity. We believe that technology is a powerful tool for creating transformation, and our courses help our members find new ways to live and thrive in today’s digital society. The best part? Joining us is easy!

The Details
Anyone 60 years and older can take a Senior Planet course. You do not need to be a member to participate, however we do encourage our participants to join our membership program in order to gain access to additional opportunities and benefits! Click here for more information about becoming a member of Senior Planet.

Registration dates and procedures vary from site to site. Please contact the site where you would like to take a course directly in order to enroll.

If a course is full, you may join the waitlist. Participants will be contacted if a space becomes available.