Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Strathmore - Virtual Events

The Strathmore is Live and Online

At a time like this, the arts are more important than ever. While we can’t attend events in person, The Strathmore is working hard to provide much-needed inspiration from our incredible network of artists every week. Below you’ll see the line-up of programs for arts lovers of all ages to enjoy from home during this time!

If you have younger members who will appreciate a fun music program, do check out their Saturday mornings for Family Jam Sessions (great for kids!) and Wednesday evenings for Live from the Living Room concerts featuring our Artists in Residence. The Strathmore is also happy to offer virtual ways to explore our current art exhibitions, join a book club discussion, or express yourself in a creative writing workshop.

Please keep a close eye on Strathmore’s Facebook page as the central home for live and recorded video content to brighten your days of social distancing.

Strathmore's Virtual Programming is supported by AARP Maryland.