Monday, July 1, 2019

A Guide to Caregiver Supports - in Montgomery County - new publication

Montgomery County Cares about Caregivers

Caregivers are a vital part of the community - they are unpaid family, friends, partners, colleagues, neighbors, members of faith communities and volunteers. Research has proven when caregivers receive support, they can better maintain their own health and be more effective as a care partner.

Montgomery County's Caregiver Support Program's "A Guide to Caregiver Supports - in Montgomery County", presents a range of practical resources for caregivers. County and community-based services are available to help caregivers, these include: support groups; in-home assistance; relief with day to day chores; enrichment activities; education and connection with other caregivers.

Click here to view "A Guide to Caregiver Supports - in Montgomery County", 16 page booklet.