Monday, April 1, 2019

Pulmonary Support Groups (inc.via phone)

Support. Friendship. Hope.
Living with a rare disease can sometimes feel lonely. But you are not alone.

PHA has a strong network of local support groups and an active online community. By reaching out to people who’ve been there, you will find fast PHriends who offer support, information and hope for the future. You can connect with the community however you prefer, whether that’s on the web, on the phone, or in face-to-face support group meetings. Click here to visit the PH website.

PHA Caregiver Online Community 
Connect with other caregivers of PH patients online with myPHA, our social network for the PH community. The private group for caregivers will connect you to others like you and offer a space for discussion and support. Join now

PHA Caregiver Mentors
PHA’s Mentor Program includes a team of caregivers who are ready and eager to answer your questions by email. They can’t provide medical advice, but they can share their experiences caring for loved ones with PH and help you find resources to ensure your loved one receives the best care possible. Email a caregiver mentor

Local Support Groups
PHA Support Groups offer knowledge, support, hope and empowerment. There are more than 230 support groups and at least one new group is added each month. You are not alone and there’s a good chance there’s a group meeting near you. Find a local support group

Find Caregiver-to-Caregiver Support
Meet other family members and friends whose loved ones have been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in one of our virtual or local support groups.
Connect by phone
Connect by email
Connect in person