Monday, April 1, 2019

Caring for Our Aging Parent and Ourselves, Mindfully: A Workshop for Adult Children

A Workshop for unpaid family caregivers of an aging parent

Date: Saturday May 11, 2019
Time: 10am-12noon
Location: Jane Lawton Community Recreation Center

Registration Essential: Click here

Description: Our ability to care for our aging parents is often complicated by layers of deeply held feelings, emotional reactivity, and inner conflicts, such as love, fear of loss, guilt, old resentments. These complications, in turn, can cause added stress and fatigue. In this experiential workshop, you will join other adult children – in the safe space we create together – to become more aware and understanding of the inner forces shaping your caregiving experience, develop some “mindful” strategies for taking care of yourself and your needs, and gain confidence in your inner resources and abilities to navigate caregiving with greater equanimity, wisdom and compassion.

Facilitated by: Paula Stone—who cared for her aging mother—has had a lifelong interest in personal growth and healing modalities. She is the author of a commercially published self-help book; an award-winning playwright; an experienced support-group leader and trained facilitator; and a longtime practitioner of mindfulness meditation which has included completion of a yearlong mindfulness intensive. She currently leads workshops for adult-children—and facilitates family meetings—about parental caregiving; and her new full-length play Because She’s My Mother is about an adult daughter’s struggles—to balance her life, face loss, and let go—as she cares for her failing mother. Paula is retired from the World Bank, where she serves on the steering committee of the retirees’ “Members Helping Members” program; she has a PhD from MIT.