Monday, April 1, 2019

Montgomery College Life Long Learning Institute - Spring and Summer program

The Lifelong Learning Institute is committed to creating and fostering a variety of 
intellectually stimulating educational opportunities for Montgomery County residents
age 50 and over. However, adults of any age may register for these classes.
Call 240-567-5188 or click here to visit their website

The Institute's Spring Semester has started…  You can still register for open courses!!!
We want to bring to your attention some concerns regarding student registration. If you are interested in a course, you should register as soon as possible during the registration period.
Register now as if not enough people sign up asap, you registration is important. If you are interested, do not wait, as the course may be cancelled.
Some courses fill very quickly, if you are interested, do not wait.

Summer semester registration begins April 1st!

Senior Tuition Waiver (TWA): Maryland residents 60 years or older by the start date of the class may have tuition waived and pay fee only.

For the Spring semester schedule of Lifelong Learning Institute, Personal Finance Academy, and Career Development courses including full descriptions, please visit Registration moves quickly. If you are interested in a course, please register early. A hard copy of the WDCE Spring catalog and LLI Brochure are now available on all campuses and at your local public library branch.

Please note: The Lifelong Learning Institute has begun using an online course evaluation form, which can be found at