See flyer for events, and sign up: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER:
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
11th Annual Senior Safety Forum in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day + Maryland Protect Week
See flyer for events, and sign up: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER:
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Senior Planet - June
Senior Planet Montgomery is offering virtual programs! Subscribe to their newsletter to stay in the know, and check out the growing Coronavirus Resource Guide. Need support? Give Senior Planet a call on the Senior Planet Montgomery hotline: (240) 753-0676
Senior Planet helps seniors learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make new friends. Their courses, programs, and activities are changing the lives of older adults far beyond technology.
Stronger Bones
Morning Stretch
Money Matters
Cloud Storage
Online / By Phone
Chair Yoga
Holistic Wellness Discussion Group
Discusión en español
Online / By Phone
Going from a Green Home to a Smart Home
Online / By Phone
Exploring with Google Maps
Online / By Phone
Afternoon Stretch
Creative Creations
Introduction to Hosting on Zoom
Techie Tuesday: Online Shopping
Online / By Phone
Morning Stretch
CaregiverTeleconnection - June
Learn how to create an internal climate in your mind and body that makes being a caregiver healthier for you.
The Caregiver Teleconnection provides learning sessions on a variety of useful topics, hosted over the phone by professional facilitators and experts. Family caregivers have the opportunity to connect and share with others in their situation during the sessions.
Some of the topics included in the tele-learning sessions are:
There are two ways to register for a tele-learning session:
You can register via their website 24 hours a day, seven days per week. Click to register now.
You can call the Caregiver Teleconnection customer service line, Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm (CST) at 866-390-6491 or 210-871-7SOS (7767)Participation in the Caregiver Tele-Connection helps prevent caregiver burnout, depression and anxiety, social isolation and other problems that threaten your health. The program can help you gain a greater sense of control and improve your quality of life.
Caregiver Teleconnection On Demand
We realize that sometimes it’s difficult for caregivers to participate in our live sessions based on scheduling issues. We’ve made it easier for you to get the information you need by recording many of our live sessions.
Click to access recorded sessions!

Frontotemporal Degeneration: What it is, What it isn’t and What are the Signs and Symptoms
June 2 @ 12:00 am - 1:00 pm EST
This dementia is highly misunderstood, even in the medical community, and takes families up to 4 years to get a proper diagnosis. She will explain what signs show up first, how to get an accurate diagnosis, and what to do after you receive the diagnosis.

ZOOM The Pride of Caring: How has COVID-19 Affected the LGBT Community?
June 3 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 am EST
Join us as we discuss how COVID-19 has impacted LGBTQ caregivers and seniors. We’ll discuss discrimination in health care, and some surprising lessons learned from this pandemic.

ZOOM The Pride of Caring: How to Find LGBT-friendly Aging Resources
June 10 @ 11:00 am - 12pm EST
This session will focus on navigating the health system as an LGBTQ caregiver. We'll also identify important health care planning documents specific to LGBTQ seniors and caregivers.

Maximizing Medication Management
June 14 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST
Discuss the importance of having a comprehensive and current medication list, including prescriptions, over the counter supplements, creams, etc, for doctor appointments, adherence aids to integrate medication schedules in to your day, and provide resources to identify and discuss medications which may not be the best choices for older adults. **Sponsored by the North Central Texas Caregiver Teleconnection**

ZOOM – How to Stage Your Loved One
June 15 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
This session will share how to use the Dementia Behavioral Assessment Tool, the FTD Staging Tool, ADL and IADL Staging Tools to assist your doctor in understanding how advanced your loved one’s disease process is and to help the family caregiver prepare for the dementia journey. **Sponsored by VITAS Healthcare**

ZOOM The Pride of Caring: Caregiving Wasn’t on My Bucket List!
June 17 @ 11:00 am - 12:00pm EST
Are you feeling unprepared for your caregiving role? We’ll focus on caregiver self-care and support networks, LGBTQ-friendly aging programs and long-term care.

ZOOM – Caregiver Heal Thyself…When the last 10 years of your life trigger the first 10 years, what do you do?
June 21 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Are you feeling anxious, stressed or is your Autonomic Nervous system on “high alert?” Not only can Covid drive this feeling but so can PTSD. June is (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) PTSD awareness month and you could be feeling the after effects from PTSD or even CPTSD. It’s possible that your Coping skills you normally use which have helped you in the past may be harder to practice during the pandemic. This month, we will look at PTSD with special…

Las señales indicadoras del estrés del cuidador
June 22 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
El estrés de cuidar a un ser querido o familiar puede causar problemas emocionales y físicos. Usted aprenderá que las experiencias tanto buenas como malas pueden causar el estrés y cómo reconocer las señales de advertencia para tomar las medidas necesarias.

ZOOM The Pride of Caregiving: The Pride of Professionals
June 24 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Join this important conversation about cultural competence in health care. What can LGBTQ patients teach providers about their health care experiences? What should providers know?

Long Term Care Planning
June 29 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
It is never too early to think about aging and your last years or those of a loved one. Join us in learning the steps to a plan for the future that includes progressive conditions and caregiver emergencies. Having a dynamic plan, which includes your circle of support, and can be updated at each twist and turn, will leave you with less stress and anxiety regarding the future. The presenter will touch on having difficult conversations, involving family and professionals,…
Visit the Caregiver Teleconnection website
Alzheimer's Community Forum: Engaging and Supporting Latinos
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
24/7 Helpline: (800) 272-3900
View Chapter Website
Learn about Alzheimer's, dementia and memory loss in this brief community-focused listening session. We'll review the basics of these conditions, services of the Alzheimer's Association and how we can expand the reach of local programs and services. Bring a friend and share your thoughts about how the Alzheimer's Association can help more people in your community.
Additional Information
If you are having trouble registering for this program online, please call our 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-272-3900. This program will be held over Zoom, a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the program using your computer or phone will be sent to you upon registration completion.
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Multiple Sclerosis Support Groups
Come together with people who share common life experiences or goals for support, education and mutual aid. Whether you live with MS or are a carepartner, family member or friend, the benefits of connection include:
Find emotional and other support from others — and the opportunity to help others
Build confidence in your ability to cope and address issues
Café con Leche
La Sociedad Nacional de Esclerosis Múltiple ofrece una vez al mes un grupo telefónico, totalmente en español.
Aprende Más
Ask an MS Navigator
MS Navigators — highly skilled, compassionate professionals — connect you to the information, resources and support needed to move your life forward. These supportive partners help navigate the challenges of MS unique to your situation, whether you are a person with MS, a family member, or concerned about someone with MS.
Learn More
One-on-One Peer Connection
MS affects everyone differently — that’s why it is important to have someone you can count on to support you in the way that you need.
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Edward M. Dowd Personal Advocate Program
The Edward M. Dowd Personal Advocate Program aims to increase independent living capabilities and quality of life for people affected by MS whose health and safety are compromised by limited knowledge, understanding, and/or ability to access programs and benefits.
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For Peer Connections Volunteers
The Society recognizes the valuable role groups and one-on-one peer support connections play in addressing the informational, emotional and social support needs for people who share a common life experience with MS.
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Happy the App
Happy is a 24/7 phone-based emotional support service — a mobile app that connects individuals experiencing everyday stresses, struggles, anxiety or loneliness with exceptionally compassionate listeners: Happy’s Support Givers. Using their phone from the comfort of home, individuals can download Happy’s app, make a call, and immediately receive emotional support through Happy’s secure and confidential app.
Learn More

Self-help groups bring people together who share common life experiences for support, education and mutual aid.
Learn More
People living with and affected by MS share a wide range of powerful stories and reflections that demonstrate the true power of connecting with others. Every Connection Counts.
Suburban Hospital Support Groups
Connect with others who share common life experiences as you. Support Groups offer an opportunity to share your story in a safe setting, learn about resources, and participate in educational programming. There is no charge for the group, but registration may be required for some of the meetings. New members and caregivers are always welcome. The meetings are independently managed unless otherwise noted. To register for a support group, visit our events page.
Cancer Support Groups: Breast, Prostate, Head & Neck
Meeting dates and times varies.
Diabetes Support & Education Meeting
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of most months | 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Designed to provide the latest self-management strategies, resources and information for people living with diabetes. Meetings facilitated by certified diabetes educators. Registration is mandatory.
JDRF Peer Support Group- Type 1 Diabetes
Meets the fourth Wednesday of most months | 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Designed for people living with Type 1 Diabetes or parents with a child with Type 1 Diabetes. Participants are encouraged to bring questions or topics for discussion. Parents are welcome to bring children and teenagers. Childcare is not provided. Contact Barbara Kahl at for details.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Family Caregiver Support Group
Meets the Second Tuesday of every month | 6:45 p.m. − 8:15 p.m.
MS is a rare disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves. This group is for family caregivers of people with MS — spouses, partners, siblings, adult children, parents. Call 202-296-5363 or email for details.
Meets the Third Saturday of every month | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Also known simply as MG, myasthenia gravis is a rare neuromuscular disorder. Connect with other individuals living with MG and/or caregivers of MG patients. Call Bill DeLarenzo at 301-384-1229 for details.
Sjogren's Syndrome Support Group
Meets the Second Tuesday of every month | 6:30 p.m. − 8:30 p.m.
Sjögren's ("SHOW-grins") is a chronic autoimmune disease in which white blood cells attack the moisture-producing glands. The support group provides Sjögren's Syndrome patients and family members with an opportunity to learn more about the disease, symptom management and emotional support.
Meets the First Tuesday of every month | 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
A social-worker facilitated session presented by the Bethesda Chapter of the Montgomery County Stroke Association. Please visit or call the MCSA hotline at 301-681-6272 for details.
Browse through programs and register for an upcoming session. Search Classes & Events
Well Connected - telephone based support and life long learning
This award-winning program offers activities, education, support groups, and friendly conversation over the phone or online.
HOW DOES IT WORK?Well Connected members call in via a toll-free number at a set time each week, with some groups also offering the option to connect via computer, tablet, or mobile device. Most groups last 30 minutes to an hour with around 12 participants. Newcomers are always welcome! If you don’t feel like talking at first, you’re welcome to just listen as long as you’ve let the group know you’re there.
Just Us at the National Gallery of Art (for people with memory loss)
Just Us at the National Gallery of Art provides interactive, discussion-based experiences for people with memory loss and their care partners.
To register, please email
We’ve moved our Just Us at the National Gallery of Art program online and it now meets once a week, on Mondays from 2:00-3:15 Eastern. Now that we’re not constrained by physical proximity or travel to the Gallery, we can welcome pretty much anyone who might like to join us for a conversation about works of art using Zoom.
For more details click here to view the Just Us schedule
To register, please email