Monday, November 2, 2020

National Alliance for Caregiving - Newsletter

Caregivers and care recipients struggle to get to the polls, which is why Caring Across Generations is helping caregivers vote. Having trouble finding childcare, the accessibility of polling places, transportation, and care workers and their recipients living in different places can all make it difficult for caregivers to vote! Research from Caring Across Generation shows 66% of the US population is a current or former caregiver (~2 million of 3.8 million) and of that, 1 in 5 said their caregiving responsibilities interfere with their civic engagement, including voting.


Caring Across wants to make sure that caregivers have what they need to make their voting plan. Click the red link below for a voter guide to help caregivers and people receiving long-term support decide how and when they’re going to vote. Check out the guide to see our checklists for everything you need to keep in mind when you get ready to vote. 


Remember that election day is November 3rd! 

Factoring in Caregivers Adds Value to a Tele-health Program

"According to a May 2020 study released by the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC) and the AARP, the number of family caregivers in the US has increased by 9.5 million in the last five years, due in part to an older generation that wants to stay at home and healthcare costs that prevent families from putting loved ones in an assisted living facility or even hiring help around the home.


... 'As we face a global pandemic, we’re relying on friends and family to care for the older adults and people living with disabilities in our lives,' C. Grace Whiting, JD, the NAC’s president and CEO, said in a press release accompanying the report. 'Caregivers are essential to the nation’s public health, and the magnitude of millions of Americans providing unpaid care means that supporting caregivers can no longer be ignored.'


Those numbers are pushing healthcare providers, the payer industry and even vendors to explore tele-health and mHealth tools and services that address caregiver needs."


From: MHealthIntelligence | October 16, 2020

CNRI Receives NIH Grant for Palliative Care Study


"The National Institute of Health (NIH) has awarded $500,875 to the Children’s National Research Institute (CNRI), the academic arm of Children’s National Hospital, to support a new study examining the palliative care needs of children living with rare genetic diseases.


This is the first study of families of children with genetic and metabolic conditions, termed collectively as rare diseases, that is designed to intervene to support the well-being of family caregivers and create advance care plans for future medical decision making. In the United States, a rare disease is defined as a particular condition affecting fewer than 200,000 people. Pediatric patients with rare diseases experience high mortality rates, with 30 percent not living to see their fifth birthday."


From: Innovation District | October 16, 2020

Companies Expanding Family Care Leave Due To COVID-19


"Nearly 60% of employees working for large U.S. companies are spending increased time on childcare and family caregiving since the outbreak of COVID-19, according to a new joint study commissioned by S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI) and AARP. Released today, the report, entitled Something's Gotta Give, analyzes the U.S. private sector's adoption of family leave and flexible policies in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Survey data from 1,600 employees of companies with more than 1,000 employees was used to compile the report. According to the findings, while COVID-19 could drastically accelerate expansion of family care leave and flexible work policies in corporate America."


From: S&P Global; AARP | October 19, 2020

Emotional Stress of Caregiving

Did you know that nearly 4 in 10 caregivers consider their caregiving situation to be highly stressful? According to NAC and AARP's Caregiving in the U.S. 2020, 36 percent of survey respondents reported experiencing stress as 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale. The report also indicates that when caregivers feel alone, 72 percent report feeling high emotional stress, compared to just 24 percent of those who do not feel alone. This statistic is especially pertient as many caregivers are experiencing social isolation and loneliness in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


While this report is the most recent report in NAC and AARP's trended research series, the report was conducted prior to the global pandemic. More recent research, for example from the Rosalind Carter Institute on Caregiving, highlights the increased stress caregivers are experiencing during the pandemic. RCI's October 2020 report, Caregiving in Crisis, found that "83% of caregivers surveyed reported increased stress related to caregiving since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic." 


Stress is one of many critical challenges that caregivers face. Of three national policies or programs presented to caregivers as potential ways to help them in the Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 survey, 68% of caregivers would find an income tax credit helpful, while a similar percentage would find a program to pay caregivers for some hours of their care helpful, and more than half feel a partially paid leave of absence from work would be helpful. 



Caregiver's Rest Conference


November 11, 2020 | 11 AM - 2 PM EST 


Join Caregiver's Respite for the 15th Caregiver’s Rest Conference, coming up on November 11th, 2020 This year’s theme is ‘A Time To Share’, and participants will reflect on the past ten years to remember all the support, resources, guidance, and friendship the organization has shared together along the way.

Medicaid Supports for Family Caregivers


November 12, 2020 | 1 - 2 PM EST


This webinar, hosted by the National Academy for State Health Policy’s (NASHP) RAISE Family Caregiver Resource and Dissemination Center and funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation, will explore how family caregiving impacts state Medicaid programs and the role Medicaid plays – and could play – in supporting family caregivers.

Accessing Services and Supports During a Pandemic


November 12, 2020 | 2 - 3:30 PM EST 


Are you a caregiver of someone who has a chronic disease, disability, or health condition? Join NAC, the Diverse Elders Coalition, and Sage on November 12th for a webinar on Accessing Services and Supports During a Pandemic. 



The Impact of Osteoporosis and Fractures on the African American Community


October 19, 2020 


The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) and the National Caucus and Center on Black Aging hosted a webinar on October 19th for patients and caregivers to discuss the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis in the Black and African American community. The panel of experts shared information about the basics of bone health and fractures, the impact of osteoporotic fractures in the Black and African American community, and practical steps people can take to protect their bone health as part of healthy aging.


Click the red link below to download the presentation!



Adira's Fall 2020 Pervasive Needs Grants 


Adira Foundation launched its second round of competitive funding, the Fall 2020 Pervasive Needs Grants. The program offers funding in direct response to priorities named by people impacted by ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. The Fall 2020 Pervasive Needs Grants will award at least $250,000 around three priorities: improving caregiver mental health, easing the coordination of care, and sharing the resources within communities. These three issues topped the list of problems named by grantees from Adira’s first funding round this spring—Adira’s Fast-Track Grant Response to COVID-19.


Click the red link below to learn more and apply. 


The National Alliance for Caregiving is proud to be partnering with the Adira Foundation in an upcoming project to connect caregivers and professionals with resources to support caregivers. Stay tuned for the launch of this project, as part of Adira’s Fast-Track Grant Response to COVID-19, in November! 

Innovations in Alzheimer’s Caregiving Awards


Deadline: November 16, 2020 


The Innovations in Alzheimer's Disease Caregiving Awards program promotes innovation in the field of Alzheimer's disease caregiving by recognizing and rewarding organizations that lead the way in addressing the needs of Alzheimer’s caregivers. In 2020, one award of $20,000 will be given in each of the following three categories: (1) Creative Expression; (2) Diverse/Multicultural Communities; (3) Public Policy.


Click the red link below to learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply. 

Getting Your Flu Shot is More Important Than Ever


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) wants to remind you that flu shots are covered by Medicare. The flu can have serious complications, especially for people with diabetes, heart disease, and other medical conditions. Getting your shot can help you stay healthy, protect others, and stop the spread.

Flu Can Be Very Serious - Flu Vaccine Protects

Medicare Resources from Healthline


Healthline now has Medicare answers for older adults and their caregivers, including: 

·     Doctors that Accept Medicare Near You

·     Medicare Savings Account

·     Medicare vs Medicaid


Healthline also offers several helpful e-newsletters that could help you and your care recipient stay healthy, including a newsletter guide for those new to Medicare or those hoping to maximize their savings with Medicare. Sign up with the red link below.



Taking care of yourself means taking time for yourself. This has been a difficult time lately, and emotions can be complex. You may be feeling sad, worried, or stressed. HowRightNow is a new initative to help address people’s feelings of grief, loss, and worry and support them in building resiliency throughout the pandemic and beyond. For resources, inspiration, or to learn more, visit



National Alliance for Caregiving | 1730 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Suite 812, Washington, DC 20036

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