Beacon Virtual 50+ Expo
Sunday, November 1, 2020 through Sunday, January 31, 2021
The website will go live at noon on Sunday, November 1st.
The Exhibitor Program Guide can be viewed here:
Read about the speakers, exhibitors and classes offered. Pre-register
now for the Expo online to receive one additional entry for door prizes
and be notified when the virtual Expo goes live:
Search Training Program for Job Seekers Ages 50+
Are you over age 50 and frustrated by your job search? JCA’s Career
Gateway Program can help you hone your resume, polish your networking and
interviewing skills, use Internet job search resources more effectively,
and turn your age and experience to your advantage. Each session of
the Career Gateway features 30 hours of small-group classroom instruction
over five days, comprehensive take-home materials, practical exercises,
and a long-term mentor – all for only $75! Sessions run from 9:00
am until 4:00 pm.
Interactive and Online
#2: November 9, 11, 13, 16, 18 - 2020
#3: January 19, 20, 22, 25, 27 - 2021
#4: March 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 - 2021
#5: April 19, 21, 23, 26, 28 - 2021
#6: June 7, 9, 11, 14, 16 - 2021
Sessions will be an interactive, Zoom, online experience. Same
curriculum, class facilitator, presenters and volunteers addressing all
the important job-seeking skills as in our in-class programming and all
from the comfort and safety of your own home! Prior online sessions
have been a resounding success. Do not be intimidated by online
instruction. We will train you and work through this
Veterans to Feature on Website
Veterans Day 2020
Tribute to Veterans Living in the County Who Have Served in the U.S.
Uniformed Services & U.S. Armed Forces
To honor and pay tribute to our Veterans, Montgomery County has created a
Tribute to Veterans
Living in Montgomery website and is seeking information about
County residents who have served. Please consider submitting your
information or information on a Veteran you know. Go to
and click on Submit a Tribute.
Recharge, Reinvent: Virtual 50+ Employment Expo Tuesday, November 17, 2020 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Join via Zoom for free
from the safety of your home.
Registration required. Please visit:
*Network with area employers
*Attend free
*Learn new job-search skills
There are multiple employers with available full-time and part-time
salaried job opportunities.
Check our website for a continually updated list of
Employers and Community Resources/Training/Education and information
organizations that will join us:
about Your Transportation Options Wednesday, November 18, 2020 from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
While all residents need to remain cautious about their travels during
the COVID pandemic, they cannot completely avoid all medical appointments
and other vital activities. Zoom
into this educational event about transportation options
available to older adults and County residents with disabilities. Learn
about transportation resources inside and outside of County government during
a one-hour presentation, and ask questions from 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Click here
to join
Meeting ID: 916 6676 5222
Passcode: 828741
One tap mobile
+1-301-715-8592,,91666765222#,,,,,,0#,,828741# US (Germantown)
Your Ideas during the Public Hearing on Thrive Montgomery 2050 Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 12:15 pm
What does the future of Montgomery County look like to you? And how does
the community where you live, work, and play support your vision for your
future? The Planning Board will hold a public hearing about a
long-range vision for the County at their virtual meeting on Thursday,
November 19.
You can testify online, over the phone, or submit
written testimony. To testify online or by phone, you must sign up to testify by 12:00 pm
on Wednesday, November 18. Also, written testimony must be submitted by
12:00 pm on November 18 via email to
Learn more about how to testify
while social distancing.
To prepare, view the Thrive
Montgomery 2050 Public Hearing Draft Plan. If you do not have
the time to review the whole document, check out the “Trends and
Challenges” and “A Plan to Thrive” sections for key concepts and
recommendations. And get more information about Thrive Montgomery 2050 at
November Guests: Stephanie Svec,
LCPC, Director, Seniors Services, Affiliated Santé Group; Anita Vassallo,
Director, Montgomery County Public Libraries Administration and Mitsuko Herrera,
ultraMontgomery Project Director & Shivali Haribhakti, Regional
Director, Older Adults Technology Services (OATS), Senior Planet
Program airs at
the following times: Sunday - (6:00 pm) | Mon -
(10:00 am) | Tues - (1:00 am, 12:30 pm, 6:00 pm) | Thurs - (2:30 am,
6:00 pm) | Fri - (10:30 am) | Sat - (2:00 am)
Where to Watch: Comcast
and RCN channel 6; Verizon channel 30; or On-Demand at the County's
website by clicking here.