Washington Metro Oasis Program: Caregivers Support Group Series
Wednesday: runs through March 4
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Location: Washington Metro Oasis Macy’s Home Store
7125 Democracy Blvd. Bethesda, MD 20817
The Oasis Caregiver Series will offer a place to learn from the experiences of others and to encourage those who are in similar circumstances. The sessions will be facilitated by compassionate professionals. Some sessions will spotlight expert guest speakers on a variety of topics to support you in your caregiving journey.
Most sessions will allow time for questions and group discussion. This group is strictly for those who are in a caregiver role.
This series is sponsored by Family and Nursing Care. Registration is required.
Call: 301-469-6800 Press 1, then extension 211 (ask for class #303)
Fee: Free
Email washingtonmetro@oasisnet.org
Website https://www.oasisnet.org/Washington-DC-area
Washington Metropolitan Oasis mission is to promote healthy aging through lifelong learning, active lifestyles and volunteer engagement.
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