Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Winter Growth Caregiver Support Groups

Winter Growth's Caregiver Support Groups give families the opportunity for emotional support,
practical caregiving techniques, and education. Our licensed social workers and guest speakers provide information related to disease progression, symptoms, treatments, and resources. 

Offering, creative problem solving among caregivers themselves helps to ease the way for all. Sharing the pain, frustration and, often, guilt associated with being a caregiver is critical for mental health. A healthy dose of laughter at some of the situations caregivers experience is also healing to the spirits of those who have taken on an enormous task. 

Motivated by love, these family caregivers face a daily roller coaster of sadness and joy as they reach out to their loved one. Winter Growth, in turn, reaches out to caregivers to support them in their mission.

Location in Montgomery County
Montgomery Co: 18110 Prince Philip Drive, Olney, MD 20832

For more details call: 301-774-7501

Hearing Impaired: Dial 7-1-1 and ask for MD. Relay.
Need Language Interpreter: Phone 301-774-7501 for arrangements.