Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Caring Across The Miles - Resources for Long-Distance Caregivers

Many people living will likely find themselves helping a relative or friend manage their health and
wellness. While providing care and support to a relative or friend can be difficult, long-distance caregiving can be particularly challenging. 

This valuable resource is funded in part by the federal government's Administration for Community Living, and produced by the: Eldercare Locator, National Association on Aging (N4a), and the National Alliance for Caregiving.

This free easy to read booklet features practical actions that caregivers living a distance from loved ones can set in place.

Most caregivers support family members by helping them manage long-term physical conditions, arrange medical appointments or secure in-home services—all while not living near the care recipient. 

Montgomery County's programs support caregivers—including long-distance caregivers—and provide them with needed tools and resources that enable them to better care for their loved ones.

Click here to view the brochure