Wednesday, May 1, 2019

LGBTQIA+ Health and Supports

Montgomery County has establish an LGBTQIA+ Advisory Group to better identify needs of support for caregivers (and many more important topics).

A key goal is to stimulate local organizations to provide LGBTQIA+ Caregivers trusted programs.  In the meantime there are a number of regional not for profit organizations that provide consistent LGBT support.
(This list is not exhaustive and will continue to grow)

LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton Health Care
Providing LGBTQ individuals and their families with welcoming access to expert health information and resources that will enhance wellness and quality of life.

The health care system has been slow to offer comfortable and affirming health services to LGBT communities - in fact, Chase Brexton was founded for this reason. And, through the years, Chase Brexton has grown – but continues to uphold LGBT history: equal, expert, and affirming health care.

Whether you are questioning, bisexual, queer, transgender, gay, lesbian, or unsure where you fit, the LGBT Health Resource Center is here for you. Our amazing team is ready to work with you and do all we can to help you live your healthiest possible life!

Whitman Walker Health  (WWH)
In the words of WWH "At Whitman-Walker, we see you. To us this means that regardless of how or why you came to us, we will welcome you with open arms and treat you with the dignity, respect and love that you deserve.

Since 1973, Whitman-Walker has been a place where people can just be themselves without fear of judgement or retribution. We have provided care with patience, kindness, humility and as much empathy as humanly possible.

Each day, we recommit to those principles and to you.
We stand by your side. We See You".

Iona's LGBT Support and Services
You are an older adult who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ), Iona believes no one should have barriers to their positive aging. Iona;s LGBTQ-inclusive aging services provide spaces for you to find and build community and tap into our 40+ years of expertise navigating complex aging challenges. We help you think about your future and start planning now. How to find in-home care. How to afford services you need. How to prepare for a move.
Iona’s wide range of eldercare services are open to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression. Through presentations, fitness classes, support groups, care management, and more, Iona helps older adults and their family caregivers thrive in the community.

TransHealthCare MD
Trans Healthcare MD aims to unify the transgender community of Maryland for the purpose of extending accessible, competent and comprehensive affirming healthcare to everyone in the state and improving the lives of all trans, nonbinary and gender expansive Marylanders.

MoCo Pride Center (in development)    
The center's goal is to provide advocacy and outreach activities that build, support, and advocate for a stronger and more diverse LGBTQ community in Montgomery County, MD.

Seabury Resources on Aging - LGBT "Out and About" programs
Through transportation, housing, volunteer services, and more, Seabury Resources for Aging supports older adults and people with disabilities of all sexual and gender identities and expressions.
Out and About connects DC LGBTQ older adults through wellness programs, cultural events and conversations designed to address the concerns within the community. It is our mission to better understand the growing needs of LGBTQ older adults through listening, creating, and delivering programming with sensitivity, knowledge, and pride.