Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Escorted Transportation Options in Montgomery County

There are times when traveling alone just isn’t safe. Fortunately for older adults and adults with disabilities in Montgomery County, escorted transportation is available.

Some communities come together to assist their neighbors as they age in place in their homes. Organizations with this purpose are called “villages.” Many of the villages located in Montgomery County recruit volunteers to provide escorted rides using volunteer driver their own personal vehicles. Some villages require fees to join, some offer scholarships, and still others are completely free. To find out if you live in an area served by a village, click here or call Connect-A-Ride at 301-738-3252.

A non-profit organization called The Senior Connection offers free transportation for medical appointments to County residents over the age of 60. Rides are based on the availability of volunteer drivers. For more information, call 301-962-0820.

Occasionally, volunteer organizations cannot meet every need for escorted transportation. Residents may need to hire private fee-based providers.  For information about these providers, click here and search under “Escorted Transportation,” or call Connect-A-Ride at 301-738-3252.