Wednesday, January 1, 2020

National Alliance for Caregiving - Newsletter

December 23, 2019
Public Health Post: Caregivers’ Culture of Care
"We speculated that more acculturated caregivers may be more likely to perform tasks out of necessity or demand instead of personal belief compared to less acculturated caregivers...

Overall, we found that, although filial obligation has a protective effect on the caregiving experience of Chinese-American immigrants, endorsing this traditional norm may have a negative effect on caregiving experience of highly acculturated immigrants. For health care providers working with older immigrants, it is important to understand the variance of their acculturation background and thus caregiving experience."

From: Public Health Post | December 9, 2019
What It's Like to Be a Caregiver

"'I didn’t know what it was like to be in a relationship with someone who was hurt. I just knew I loved her and wanted to care for her,” he says. “I took on the helm of something that damn near crushed me.'
Over the 3-plus decades they’ve been married, Peter has seen Gracie through 60 more surgeries, including a double leg amputation below the knee. Along the way, he’s learned a lot about himself and what it means to be a caregiver.
'If you can fail at it, I’ve failed at it,' says Rosenberger, who hosts the Hope for the Caregiver radio show from Ennis, MT. 'I’m still in the thick of it, but we’ve carved out a life in it.'
Being a caregiver will consume every part of your life if you let it. And even if you don’t let it, it will still try.'"

From: WebMD | December 3, 2019
'smpl' Eases Caregiver Stress

"Failing eyesight, trembling hands, diminished hearing, decreased mobility, memory loss…we've all seen loved ones experience these symptoms as they've aged. This is not only difficult for the aging individuals, it is also challenging for their loved ones and their caregivers.
Most caregivers are young to middle-aged and have other significant demands on their time. Yet caregivers receive little help to manage and balance their own lives as they attend to the needs of another...
Mr. Barnet states smpl's mission is to develop products with both the caregiver and care recipient in mind. Our products are designed to ease caregiver stress by enabling those you care for, to live a more engaged, independent and dignified life."

From: PRNewswire | December 11, 2019
Improving Life for Women with Parkinson’s Disease
By 2020, nearly one million Americans will be living with Parkinson’s disease (PD). While the neurogenerative disorder is traditionally thought to affect mostly men, many women also live with the disease. Yet, they often find their voices underrepresented in PD research.

A Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award supported the Parkinson Foundation’s efforts to change that by creating a Parkinson’s research and care agenda for women. "The award will support the foundation in creating a nationwide standardized model of patient advisory boards for implementing patient engagement at medical institutions and furthering Parkinson’s patient-centered comparative effectiveness research." (PCORI, November 22, 2019).
Palliative Care Caregiver Resources

Palliative care can help caregivers manage the stress of their responsibilities. The Get Palliative Care Caregiver Corner offers real life stories from caregivers on how palliative care helped them. It also offers helpful tips and resources.

Get Palliative Care is a website that offers clear, comprehensive palliative care information for people living with a serious illness. Key features of the site include a Palliative Care Provider Directory, a definition of palliative care, and detailed descriptions of what palliative care does and how to get it. It also provides an interactive quiz to assist you in deciding whether palliative care might be right for you or the person in your care. The site is provided by the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC).