Friday, March 1, 2019

The Rosalinde Carter Institute seek participants for a caregiver discussion.

Participants will have the chance to partake in focus groups and phone surveys to express their concerns about gaps and needs in emergency preparedness services for caregivers.

The Rosalinde Carter Institute is committed to continuing the development of new programs to address this issue.
The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving - Mission and Philosophy
"RCI establishes local, state, national, and international partnerships committed to building quality, long-term, home and community-based services. We believe this begins with providing caregivers with effective supports to promote caregiver health, skills and resilience. We also believe strongly in the need to provide greater recognition for professional and family caregivers. We focus on helping caregivers coping with chronic illness and disability across the lifespan."

Click here to learn about the the work of this institute

For more information and to sign-up to participate, please contact Lezlie Pooleat at or (229) 931-4545.